It is important to prepare yourself for your college career when you decide to earn your online accounting degree. Knowing that you would like to world within the accounting field is the first step to the beginning of your career, but this knowledge does not guarantee that you will gain entry into a reputable program. As prospective students need to satisfy the admissions requirements of a program before they can even consider submitting an application for admissions. One popular question students tend to have is whether or not they will need to take the national Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) to get accepted into an accounting program that is offered online. Read on, and find out when you will and will not be required to take this exam.
Undergraduate Online Accounting Degree Programs Requirements
If you are entering your first year of college, you will not be required to submit GMAT scores to a higher education institution when you study online or on-campus. Undergraduates may be asked to complete placement tests, which help the school assess the student’s math and English skills in an effort to place them in the appropriate courses. In addition to placement test requirements, online accounting degree programs that are offered by accredited schools will also require that you have a high school diploma or GED. Once you meet this lenient requirements, you should have no difficulty getting accepting into an accounting program where you can earn your B.Acc or your Associate’s.
Graduate Accounting Degree Programs and Admission Requirements
Once you earn your Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, you will be one step closer to becoming a CPA. If you would like to lead an accounting department or become and upper-level executive, you may need to earn your MBA or MAcc to advance your career while satisfying the very strict CPA requirements. If you are certain that you will apply to enter into an online graduate accounting degree program, taking your GMAT in advance is extremely important so that you do not miss any deadlines.
All accredited business schools that offer respected graduate programs require their students to submit their GMAT scores to the school prior to the end of the admissions period. The purpose of a GMAT national exam is to gauge the student’s critical thinking skills. If a students receives a high score, this shows that the student is equipped with the skills that they will need to succeed. While you can take a GMAT any time you would like, it is best to complete your test at least 1 month prior to the time when you will submit your application. If you are not confident, it is even better to take your first test 2 months prior, so that you have a chance to take the test twice to improve your score. This ensures that you are prepared in the chaos, and that your best score is reviewed.
If you have test-taking anxiety, give yourself at least a month to prep for the GMAT exam. This will help you become more confident before you sit. The more confident you are, the more likely you are to earn a high score so that you gain entry into a graduate accounting program.